Friday 6 March 2020

Essential skills required for Coders. || techtalksgroup ||

If you want to be great at coding you need to move beyond the code and develop some essential skills for coders. To become a great coder it requires more than learning sequences of 0’s and 1’s or complicated programming languages. Anyone can learn a computer language, but the great coders, the ones who create game changing products, who truly excel in the field, possess far more than a knowledge of coding languages. They have a certain mindset that makes them imminently qualified for this technology field that is becoming increasingly dominant in our society.

Essential Skills For Coders

What you will discover in this article!

Pretty much anyone who is going to have a career at the keyboard needs to develop strong typing skills. After trying many different typing tools our favourite is Typing Instructor for Kids Platinum 5. It’s set up as a game, which my boys really enjoy.

Great Editor
Coding is a finicky business. One missed colon will send your entire script into a melt down reminiscent of a 2 year old that doesn’t want to put on their socks. And like that 2 year old, your script will not help you pinpoint and solve the issue. Having great editing skills will help coders pinpoint errors and get those scripts wearing their socks and running smoothly. Tools that help develop editing skills could be Critical Thinking Co.’S workbook series, Editor in Chief.

A Keen Eye
This skill is along the same lines as great editor. Having a keen eye that can pick up subtleties, patterns, and even colors is key. Some rousing rounds of Where’s Waldo, word search puzzles, and Boggle will help your child start developing an eye for details and patterns.

Creative Problem Solving
Great programs, those amazing success stories that we love to read about, are usually due to a person’s ability to see a problem or need and come up with an effective and functional solution. The coding is just the execution of that creative process. A great way to explore this concept is to read stories of creators and inventors who saw a problem and found a solution where others had only struggled. Some of our favourite books are the Who Is series (Steve Jobs and Bill Gates would be great ones to start), when we want an inside glimpse into great minds.

The ability to think out of the box and visualize how something will work will help coders find ways to successfully solve problems.  To  be able to look at a page of text and “see” what it will do is a fantastic skill. To do this have the child think of a program they want to create. Discuss what it will do, how it will do it, then draw pictures of what the finished program will look like.

Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking Skills are extremely important for coders. Although they are limited by the strict requirements of the programming language, understanding problems and being able to dig down to the root of an issue will help them develop programs that truly meet and fulfill a need.

If/Then Logical, Linear Thinking
Computers are very linear in their processing, so as a coder you need to be able to adopt strong analytical and linear thinking. Your mind needs to think like a computers does. If this happens, then this happens, but if this happens, then this happens. There are lots of different ways to build linear thinking skills perhaps playing chess or Robot Turtles (a game designed to teach early programming skills).

Here at STEAM Powered Family we have also developed a number of fun packets that teach early coding skills. Check them out here in our Store or Teachers Paying Teachers.

5 amazing hotbeds towards Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence wiggled its way into the movie industry decades before it reached business viability. Blockbusters like “The Terminator,” “Star Trek,” and “Iron Man” captivated viewers with futuristic ideas about how AI would change the world.Now that AI is actually influencing the real world, though, business leaders are starting to see that it’s not all evil robots and smart armor. In fact, top tech companies are hustling to bring AI to market in a variety of exciting (and certainly less sinister) ways.

Facebook debuted its AI research initiative, FAIR, earlier this year. Not to be outdone by a younger brother, Microsoft and Google both announced their own AI research programs just this month. A stack of startups are throwing their silicon caps into the ring as well. Angel List counts nearly 3,000 of them to date. Add it all up, and the AI market could be worth almost $50 billion by 2020.
Best Bets for AI Disruption

No longer far-fetched fiction, artificial intelligence is here, and it’s about to rebuild business. The following five industries — among many, many others — will be transformed by AI:

1. Digital Marketing

Marketing automation tools have already turned digital marketing on its head. Today’s marketers use AI to analyze customer behavior, customize outreach for individual recipients, and inform sales strategies. So what’s still to come?
While AI may sound like old news to the 72 percent of high-performing marketing teams already using it, executives anticipate an even bigger shift in the next few years. Greater proactivity, improved personalization, and humanlike chatbots are all on the way.

What, exactly, will digital marketing look like in 2020? As marketing specialist Moosa Hemani explains in her recent Huffington Post article, AI will allow everyone who visits a website to have a unique experience with that brand. One-to-one communications, dynamic ad copy, and fluid user interfaces will help brands connect with customers in truly personal ways.

2. Customer Relationship Management

Few business areas took off in the early 2000s quite like CRM did. Although they’ve been around since the ’80s, CRM systems became standard software for marketers in just the past decade.
In the next decade, look for CRM to become a playground for AI. SaaS CRM provider Salesforce reports that while 72 percent of marketers currently use a CRM, that figure will grow to 91 percent by 2019. Market shifts are complex, but a big reason is AI. Salesforce predicts that applying AI to CRM will produce $1.1 trillion in GDP and create 880,000 new jobs.

What, exactly, will tomorrow’s AI-infused CRM systems do that today’s cannot? They’ll automate replies to customer inquiries, of course, but they’ll also learn from those encounters. They’ll become so “human” that it’s impossible for customers to distinguish CRM responses from those sent by real people.

The feature marketers will love the most? Next-generation CRM systems will constantly cleanse themselves of dirty data, eliminating a notorious time suck for marketers. 

3. Data Analytics

It may be obvious by now, but the analytics industry is on the cusp of a golden age. Plenty of companies today talk a big game when it comes to data, but rarely do their results tell the same story. In fact, McKinsey recently surveyed more than 500 executives across industries, and 86 percent said that their data and analytics initiatives were only “somewhat effective” at meeting their objectives.

No offense to mankind, but “manual” and “data” don’t exactly play nice together. In order to capture data at scale and actually use it to make proactive decisions, we humans may just need AI by our side.

4. Customer Self-Service

Customer service is one of those things that can make or break a brand. According to Microsoft’s   2016 State of Global Customer Service  report, 97 percent of global consumers take customer service into account when choosing whether to work with a company.
AI won’t change that. What it will change, however, is how customers receive service. Gone will be the days of calling 1-800 numbers, being put on hold, navigating menus, and usually being put on hold again. Good riddance, right?
Already, 90 percent of those individuals surveyed by Microsoft in Brazil, Japan, the U.S., Germany, and the U.K. say they expect brands to offer an online self-service portal. AI will put these on steroids: Self-service systems will include concierge bots, which will help users troubleshoot products, order spare parts, and provide personalized usage . Service costs will drop while customer satisfaction skyrockets.

5. Enterprise Resource Planning

As the name suggests, enterprise resource planning exists largely within the enterprise. It’s easy to see why, too: ERP implementations often take years, cost millions, and require serious human oversight.

Once AI gets involved, expect all that to change. ERP will soon be a standard software service for small businesses and enterprises alike. Tomorrow, it won’t be Jose from accounting warning that recruiting costs are rising; it’ll be an ERP program instead.But it’s not just about money. AI-infused ERP systems will play dispatcher for field roles, optimizing assignments and generating reports after service calls. Because AI’s language processing abilities have improved dramatically, ERP systems built with it may even interact directly with customers to determine whether a house call is necessary. PwC estimates that by leveraging AI in this way, 80 percent of customer requests could be resolved without human involvement.

There’s no doubt that Iron Man and the Terminator are cool, but they’re not the future of artificial intelligence. For better or worse, AI is going to remake the working world. Professionals will wonder how they ever managed without it, executives will see AI as the company’s autopilot, and customers will want to work with bots instead of human beings.

Sunday 23 February 2020

Pornography: A family Destructor

The effects of porn on marriage are widespread and devastating. Researcher Patrick Fagan, Ph.D., completed a major study of pornography and called it a "quiet family killer." His study found that 56 percent of divorces had one partner with an obsessive interest in porn.

On the average, 40 million Americans regularly view porn, and the overwhelming majority are men. That's the admitted figure. I feel safe writing to you that I believe well over 90 percent of the men that will read this (including the one writing it) have viewed porn on the Internet. It's a simple click away at all times.

It is the number-one temptation facing all adult men. If allowed to fester in our lives, porn slowly erodes not only our rational senses but also our very souls. A marriage is diseased when outside sexual influences work their way into it, and as those influences progress, the marriage falls deeper and deeper into despair.

This is a difficult topic for us to talk about. It's one of those things that we prefer to keep silent. But the reason for this article is to teach us to strive to become better men. Something as treacherous as pornography undermines everything we try to achieve as husbands and fathers. With that in mind, let's focus on the effects of porn on marriage:

1. True passion is nullified. Great marital sex has little to do with technique, stamina or experience. The genuine passion built up between two people in love connecting in the highest physical form of intimacy is what makes for great marital sex. This is difficult to achieve even without porn being introduced into the equation. Children, stress and busyness all take their toll on genuine passion. Pornography will outright destroy it. In studies, many women will say they don't feel that their porn-addicted husband is truly present when they make love.

2. Ridiculous expectations. Porn is a multibillion-dollar per year industry. It has to be visually exciting and instantly grab your attention to be successful. It's entertainment performed by actors. Just as your marriage and family life are much different than a 30-minute sitcom, the same applies with your sex life. When we fill our minds with the false images of porn, we naturally take those expectations with us to the bedroom. This leads to disappointment for the husband and a wife with a wrecked self-esteem.

3. The loss of trust and intimacy. Most, if not all, wives (if they are being honest), consider their husband viewing pornography as cheating. Another woman, even just her image, has been introduced into your relationship, and the wife now is having to compete with it. Continual viewing of porn will erode the trust built in your marriage until it is gone completely. Meanwhile, the ability to actually feel intimacy together will wear away at the exact same pace as the trust.

4. Creates shame and emptiness. A husband addicted to porn will justify his actions to himself. He'll find blame to place on his wife or his life, but what he's really trying to cover up is the shame he's feeling. The best way to explain this is to imagine the best sex ever had with your wife and the euphoria that accompanied it afterward. Porn has no chance of ever producing that feeling. It's not real, and it leaves a man feeling only shame and emptiness after the fact.

5. Progressively worse and unsatisfying. Addictions all work the same way. As they progress, you need more and intensified versions of your addiction. In time, no matter how much is consumed, that satisfied feeling that was felt in the beginning can never be reached.

A porn addict is no different than a drug addict, in that they are both desperately trying to find that high that keeps eluding them. In the end, the addict either will seek help or watch his life fall apart piece by piece.

Thursday 6 February 2020

Nano Liquids, for Cellphones.

Introducing the jaw-dropping hammer-tested NanoTech™ Liquid Screen Protector! Do you encounter tempered glass break very often? With our innovative product, you could solve your problem forever!

In addition to scatch protection, the nano-coating layer will also improve its resistance to grease, water and fingerprints.

It works on any phone to protect the screen. You can use it on a mobile phone, glasses, computer, watch, anything which you need a screen protective filmNanoTech™ uses nanotechnology to safely protect your phone screen from breaking.  With nano-hydrophobic technology, the liquid application adds an invisible coat that strengthens the screen. It creates millions of ultra-thin layers on the display to enhance the screen display and provide invisible protection against all kind of scratches. 

How does it work?

Nanotechnology are tiny molecules which bond to create a micro liquid-glass layer surface over glass surfaces, which are invisible to the naked eye but are there to protect your surfaces from abrasions and scratches, because they are interconnected so tightly they prevent water from passing through, which makes the surface hydrophobic or water repellent. At the same time the molecular structures are so tight it prevents germs from entering, repels oil and dirt, making your surface Oleophobic.


Compatible with all devices
- Covers the entire surface of any display, even on  curved edges
Simple application, just four simple steps to get it done (refer to below instructions)
- Improves protection against dirts, scratches, fingerprint and cracks 
Water Resistance
Improves the smoothness of the display's surface

How To Use?

Step 1: Clean the screen with the wet cleaning wipe.
Step 2: Wipe the screen with the dry cleaning wipe.
Step 3: Apply the nano protector(about 5-6 drops) on the screen evenly (use the dry wipe to distribute the liquid evenly), wait for 5 minutes and repeat the step 3 again, wait for another 5-10 minutes.
Step 4: Wipe the screen with dry cleaning wipe. Your device is ready to use.

Thursday 16 January 2020

Who are Hacktivists ? || techtalksgroup ||

Hacking is no longer just about breaking into a computer to steal money or data. Hackers have developed new methods of influencing policy and bringing about change. Especially with society’s heightened sense of political awareness. Subsequently, they are turning internet activism as a way of spreading their idealism. Simply put, a hacktivist is someone who uses hacking to bring about political and social change. The term “hacktivist” traces back to 1994, originating from the hacker group “Cult of the Dead Cow.”

Hacktivism started as a way for people to protest online to affect change. A hacktivist is motivated by civil disobedience and seeks to spread an ideology. In some cases, this ideology includes total anarchy. Still, hacktivists are typically not motivated by malicious intent. Hacktivists also steal money or data in an effort to spread their agenda. However, their motivation is more like that of Robin Hood. They seek to take from those who have and give freely to those who have not. They typically see themselves as vigilantes who use hacking to enact social justice and policy changes.

Hacktivists employ the same tools and tactics as typical hackers. For example, their tactics can range from spreading a message through simple website defacement or exploitation through the use of Doxing. They may even launch a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack to bring down entire networks. But unlike normal hackers, hacktivists do not always work alone. Hacktivists can also work as part of a coordinated group or organization. These groups can range in size from a few friends in a basement, to an entire decentralized network of hackers around the world.


One of the largest hacktivist groups in the world today, Anonymous is a far reaching organization of hackers around the globe. First appearing in 2008, Anonymous takes their name after the anonymity created by the internet and their desire to remain unknown. As a result, members of the group often do not even know one another outside the internet. Commonly known for launching coordinated attacks. These attacks can be against corporations, individuals and even government institutions and agencies. Their motive is to use hacking to bring about political or social change.

Most members prefer total anonymity. Therefore they do not publicly announce their participation within the group. However, some members can be distinguished by their use of the well known Guy Fawkes mask. This is usually an attempt to hide their identity in public.

There is no formal membership, hierarchy or structure to the group.  Members join Anonymous because the group represents and fights for what the hacktivist believes in. These “hacker ethics” as they are called, include unrestricted access to information and censorship. In addition, Anonymous also fights for human rights and freedom of speech. Many of its’ members are also digital pirates who believe that software and information should be freely distributed.


Developed in 2006 by Julian Assange, Wikileaks is a multi-national media platform. They are a self-described non-profit organization which publishes news leaks, censored and even classified information. This information can be related to corporate corruption and cover-ups. They also publish restricted information related to spying and even war crimes committed by governments agencies around the world.

Built as a whistle-blowing platform, Wikileaks is completely anonymous. Claiming to be an Open Source Intelligence agency, their sole purpose is to expose cover-ups, war crimes and even covert government activity to it’s readers over the internet. Wikileaks is essentially the largest doxing website on the internet today.

Wikileaks became famous in 2010 after publishing a series of leaks from US Army Intelligence Analyst Bradly Manning, who now identifies as Chelsea Manning. These leaks contained information and videos about airstrikes, diplomatic cables and various other classified information. As a result, the US Military claimed the leaks compromised national security and convicted Manning of espionage and fraud.

Hacking for Change – Case Study

Some hacktivists do have malicious intent. And in some cases, they are looking to change the outcome of an entire election. On March 19th, 2016, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta received an email masked as a Google Alert. Podesta eventually followed the instructions and reset his password using the email alert. However, the email was actually a phishing scam sent by Russian hacktivists. Podesta had unknowingly granting access to the servers when he reset his password. Having gained access, hackers were able to access sensitive information on the DNC servers. Three months later, Wikileaks was set to publish a collection of Clinton emails it had received from an anonymous source.

After releasing the emails, hacktivists then launched an influence campaign of misinformation aimed against the Clinton campaign. Designed to undermine public faith, with the intention of harming Clinton’s chances of winning the presidency. In October of 2016, a hacktivist group known as DCLeaks published another collection of emails from one of Clinton’s allies. It was later revealed that this group is actually a front for the Russian Military. Russian hacktivists had in fact attempted to influence the 2016 election.


Hacktivism is hacking for political and social change. Most hacktivists do so seeking to spread an ideology. Most fight against censorship and in favor of freedom of information. But there are those who do so for personal and or political gain. Some hacktivists spread their own ideology, but others do so collectively within a group such as Anonymous. These groups often employ the use of organizations such as Wikileaks to anonymously post information in favor of their ideas and beliefs.

So that's it. Hope you guys like it. If yes then please .. comment down below and do not forget to like follow and share our social media platforms.

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Most Hackable Neaby Devices and Gadgets. || techtalksgroup ||

Electrical grids, traffic lights, highway signs, air-traffic control, and even hospital networks—they're the large-scale operating systems we rely on to make our lives easier and better. And believe it or not, they're all connected to the Internet.

These web-connected systems are so diverse in what they do, they fall into a very nondescript category called the "Internet of Things" (IoT). You might have heard of IoT. It's the same term thrown around to describe those cool gadgets that help us track our fitness, drive our cars, share our photos, stream our music, and check our email from almost anywhere. Chances are, no matter what you've done today, you've taken advantage of some device or system connected to the worldwide "web" of the Internet of Things.

However, despite IoT's promising future, it has one very serious setback: it's vulnerable to attack. As much as 70 percent of IoT devices contain security flaws, which means that billions of devices—including yours—could get hacked by online criminals. Here are the devices you own that might be at risk for a cyber attack, and how you can secure them.

Your PC
Every time you connect your PC to the Internet, it's a possible target. Click on a suspicious link from an email or social media message, and your computer could be taken over by malicious software. Cyber criminals could use that malware to download your personal files, steal your banking information, or even spy on you.

How To Protect Your PC: Keep your computer and antivirus software up-to-date. Avoid clicking on links sent by spammy email or social media messages, since they might contain malicious software.

Your Mac
If you're a Mac groupie, you might have been convinced by those smooth-talking reps at the Apple store that your Mac is pretty much invincible. Sure, Apple's built in operating system (called OS X) is very secure—possibly more secure than Microsoft's OS. However, Macs aren't 100% resistant to viruses; they just haven't (yet) been hit by large-scale attacks.

Since PCs have been part of the computing ecosystem for much longer than Macs, cyber crooks have had more time and incentive to exploit their enormous consumer base of individuals, big businesses, and government agencies. As Apple's consumer base continues to grow worldwide, don't be surprised if hackers start looking for ways to infiltrate your Mac.

How To Protect Your Mac: When Apple's operating system (OS X) gets a security bug, Apple typically updates it. Make sure you're running the most recent version of Apple's OS X.

Your Android
Google's Android system lets anyone create and upload an app; it's up to the user to decide whether to trust it. To infiltrate your Android device, hackers just have to create malware that seems legit. That's why, after 79% of Flappy Bird's clone apps were found to contain malware, the game was pulled from app stores last year. Flappy Bird's malicious clone apps allowed cyber criminals to remotely hijack users' phones to steal their contact list, track their location, make phone calls, and even record, send, and receive text messages.

How To Protect Your Android: When you download an app, it's up to you to understand what personal information you're letting the app access from your phone. Take a few minutes to read the app's permissions request. You might see some red flags that indicate it's a malicious app created to steal your phone's personal data.

Your iPhone
While Google leaves their apps open to developers, Apple's mobile iOS builds a "closed garden." That means all apps and accessories they offer in their store have to be approved by Apple.

While that definitely adds a safety net for iPhone and iPad users like you, it doesn't mean you're free from cyber threats. Last year, Apple released a software patch to fix security issues in the iOS 7, its most recent operating system at the time. The security lapse allowed would-be hackers to potentially impersonate a trusted website, without the software flagging the connection as insecure.

Another glitch last year allowed would-be hackers to potentially use website pages, emails, and text messages to trick users into downloading fake apps that could steal their personal information. According to a research study last year, Apple products could also be vulnerable to malware when they're connected to a malware-infected Windows device.

How To Protect Your iPhone or iPad: As with the Mac, make sure you're running the most recent version of Apple's mobile operating system (iOS) on your iPhone or iPad. Also, avoid clicking on any suspicious links or sharing sensitive data on a public Wifi network.

Your Cloud Accounts
Think of the "Cloud" as a storage facility in cyber space. So long as you have a Wifi connection and login information, you can access it from anywhere. But beware: the Cloud's convenience factor also makes it very appealing to hackers. If they find out your login credentials, your personal data is up for grabs.

How To Protect Your Cloud Storage Accounts: If you don't really need certain photos or personal files stored online, don't keep them in the Cloud. Store them on a hard drive instead. If you do use cloud-based software, set up a secure, unique password for each account.

Your Car
Almost 100% of new cars on the market have some type of wireless connection. That's great news if you want to use GPS, connect to Bluetooth, or stream movies to keep your kids quiet on road trips. It's terrifying news if you have any concerns over your security.

Most newer cars use computerized parts that run on the same network. If a hacker got remote access to that network, they could potentially take over the car's operating system. That means you could lose all control over your steering, acceleration, and brakes, even while you're still behind the wheel.

Luckily, the hackers who discovered these security flaws weren't criminals; they were actually funded by the Defense Department to expose automakers' dangerous security oversight. Besides, the hack is still pretty difficult for cyber crooks to pull off on a massive scale, since not all cars use the same operating language or run their parts on a single network. However, it's a scary enough scenario that legislators are asking automakers to step up their car security measures.

How To Protect Your Car: There's not much you can do here. If you're curious about your car's security risks, ask your dealer for more information.

Your At-Home Gadgets (And Home Router)
Think about how often you connect to the web, even when you're unwinding at home. You check email, upload photos, play video games, stream music, and watch movies from your SmartTV. You might even use a home automation system to control your thermostat, alarm system, security cameras, and front or garage doors. When you connect all your gadgets to your home Wifi, do you know how secure they are.

Most likely, they're not nearly as protected as you think. Many of the "smart" devices you use to protect your home have little to no built-in security. Plus, many home networks use passwords that are easily hacked into. Allow cyber crooks to access your home Wifi network, and you might as well hand over the keys to your home. These hackers can now potentially manipulate any devices connected to your home Wifi network.

How To Protect Your Home Gadgets: Secure your router. If you have a default password for your home Wifi network, change your network name and password. Only use apps and features on your smartphone that require a passcode to access them.

Shield Your Devices From Cyber Hackers
As cool as it sounds to have the latest wireless technology in your car, home, and at your fingertips, technology that falls under the umbrella of the "Internet of Things" is just too new and expansive to keep it 100% safeguarded from attack. These ground-breaking devices are developed to stay ahead of the curve, so they're put on the market before cyber security experts can even assess the extent of their security flaws.

In other words, IoT devices are the "gateway gadgets" for hackers to make their move. If you take the right preventive measures, you have a fighting chance to protect your most valuable (and hackable) devices from getting attacked.

So that's it. Hope you guys like it. If yes then please .. comment down below and do not forget to like follow and share our social media platforms.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

What are Red Rooms.? Do they really Exist in the Dark/Deep Web. ?

Red Rooms are basically one of the darkest places on the deep web. It basically charge money in bitcoins for viewing unimaginable videos like murders, rapes etc...

‘Red Room’ sites, the story goes, are darkweb sites where users pay thousands – or tens of thousands – to watch rapes and murders live. Urban legends about the existence of ‘Red Rooms’ have circulated for years – but as yet, there’s no evidence that they exist. If ‘Pay per View’ torture sites do exist, it’s almost certain that they don’t work via Tor (the software used to access dark web sites) – which is too slow to stream video live. The term ‘Red Room’ has been around on the internet for more than  decade – thought to originate either from ‘red rum’/’murder’, or from the 1983 horror film Videodrome, where torture is shown live on satellite TV in a red-painted room.

The video Daisy’s Destruction – widely discussed on forums and on Reddit – is not actually a snuff film, but features horrifying abuse and sexual assault of a young child. It was streamed on so-called ‘Hurtcore’ paedophile sites – where paedophiles watch torture and abuse of children and babies. Its creator, Peter Scully, is in jail in the Philippines. The video called ‘Daisy’s Destruction’ showed the baby girl being tied upside down by her feet, sexually assaulted and beaten by Scully and a masked woman.

In the series of videos, she is whipped and assaulted with sex toys by Peter Scully’s girlfriend – who he met when she herself was a child prostitute. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the footage was so horrific police called it ‘the worst we have encountered in our years campaigning against child pornography.’ Reports that the video feature ‘Daisy’ being killed are inaccurate – while human remains were discovered at one of Peter Scully’s homes, the girl from the film was rescued alive. The videos were streamed via a paedophile website which hosted torture videos, called Hurt 2 The Core – which boasted 15,000 videos downloads daily. The worst paedophiles – those who uploaded their own material – gained access to a Producer’s Lounge, with the most offensive material.

So that's it. Hope you guys like it. If yes then please .. comment down below and do not forget to like follow and share our social media platforms.